Sunday, April 10, 2011

UNICEF:Stop Child Abuse Campaign with Lisa Surihani :)

salam my beloved friends :)

This weekend vna join one campaign yg di organise oleh UNICEF with Segi College. Kalau tak salah ini event budak2 MassComm from Segi College la.First of all mcm mana vna boleh tau about this event?
Ok,sume di sebabkan fan page cik manis Lisa Surihani Support Club yg invite dkt Twitter about this event.
So my fabulous BFF,Daya Junaidi pon nak bawakkan pergi ke sana maka sampailah vna di e@Curve,Damansara.

This event start pukul 10pg lagi.But then I arrived there at 2.30p.m.
Smpi2 jer jumpa admin LSSC, Ucu & Jannah.Akhirnya dpt jugak join mereka2 org kuat LSSC team ni.Selalu event-event mereka invite sume xdpt join di sbbkan study.

Rezeki sekali lagi dpt jumpa dgn Lisa Surihani :)

Besides Lisa,ada seorg lagi star yg dtg?
Dlm kira 1,2,3 cepat teka siapa star di bwah ni?

Yes,Mia Sara Nasuha.Sumpah die teramat-amatlah comel and energetic.
Sume org nak bergmbr dgn die.Kalau die tercalon dlm ABPBH sah-sah menang mcm Lisa jugak rsenya.

Tapi sangat kesian tgk Mia sebab mcm tak bebas seperti budak-budak lain yg leh lari-lari ke sana ke mari sebabnya ramai yg nak bergmbr dgn die.
But then I really respect and kagum dgn Mia sebab die manage to take care herself and at the same time bila org tny "mia,nak ambik gmbr boleh...and dia akan ckp:BOLEH ;)"
So cute seriously.Masa die tgh main drawing yg pasir-pasir tu jap-jap org suluh camera.Die pon stop and senyum kat camera la.Tak dan bpe saat dtg lg org nak ambik gmbr ngan die so die pon senyumlah.
Seriously Mia pandai berdikari & sangat-sangat bijak.

TQVM Mia for this pose ;)
Mia Mmg Cute :)

Berblik kpd cerita campaign, basically everyone yg dtg diorg akan suruh mendftr kat registration counter.
Sbg tanda support everyone yg dftr akan sign dkt kain rentang sbg tanda menyokong this STOP CHILD ABUSE CAMPAIGN :)

And then diorg akan kasi this ribbon and we must wear it during this campaign.

Diorg kasi jugak button and goody beg sbg cenderahati. Yg syiokknya ada voucher discount 30% to Sunway Lagoon :)
Yuhuuu,mula r nak plan keje gler after final nak g menghitamkan diri kat sane kan.Jom SB members ;)
Hehehehe :)

Short info about UNICEF:
This organisation has worked with Malaysian government and people in this country since 1954. Therefore it almost 57years. For those people yang tak tahu tadi one of the team ada kasi short explanation dkt vna about UNICEF. Basically diorg kasi bantuan from many aspect such as education, health and etc.
For students we are actually not allowed to join this organisation.Bila org tu ckp mcm tu aq rse mcm pelik2 asal student tak allow?Perasaan membuak-buak nak tahu jugak.
So uncle tu explain why students are not allowed to join directly with UNICEF actually we are still depending with our parents.OIC.
But secara morally kita still bleh support.Cth terdkt ialah join event and campaign diorg organise.
For more info to those people yg nak tau lebih lanjut korg bleh terjah website UNICEF
Walaupun niat asal pergi campaign ni adalah disbbkan nak jumpa ngan Lisa sekali lagi tp sedikit sebyk die buatkan kita alert ngan organisation2 yg ada kat Malaysia ni. Mane tahu satu hari kita memerlukan bantuan diorg pulak.

Pada vna,asal la org-org suka bebenor nak menyeksa kanak-kanak eh?Cecite cecite. Tak pernah terlintas ke kat fikiran yg bdk2 tersangatlah suci and jujur dlm apa benda yg diorg buat.Kalau diorg ckp tu betul jer sebab budak-budak tak pandai menipu.Those people yg tergamak pukul and seksa budak-budak tak pernah ke rase mcm sayu bila buat mcm tu eh? Agaknya mmg lgsg takde perasaan perikemanusian lgsg dlm diri. Nak-nak kene seksa ngan parents sendiri. Honestly vna ckp parents mcm tu deserved to be call as BONGGOK!
sorry for the rudeness tapi itu tak seberapa berbndg dgn apa yg diorg buat!

Seriously bila tgk budak2 la nak-nak time tension sume masalah boleh hilang kot.
Tgk diorg main lari-lari,makan aiskrim comot-comot it's looks very fun & cute and suddenly you will feel that you are among them too.
Nak-nak kalau yg xreti & xsedar diri mcm aq ni hah sah-sah la aq join sekali ngan diorg kan ;)
So,Please,please please stop violence against children and young people.

Let's Protect and Spread Love!
Join the campaign: Do the right thing.Get on board.Stop child abuse!
Peace everyone  :)

i'm born to be the writer and you are born to be my readers
much love,vna erman :)

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